Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I think a few congratulations are in order....

Congrats to Braminir Lackovic and Eric Seidlitz on going Solo! Also, congrats on being the first two people recognized on the blog :)

To all of our lovely students, keep those hours up so that you can reach this monumental milestone. Remember, you only get one first Solo and it's something you'll look back on all throughout your career. We'll do our best to recognize everyone's accomplishments both on the blog and on our facebook fanpage.

(As a side note, if anyone has any problems with having their name published, please let any of the staff know. We'll make sure that it's removed as soon as possible).

Also, here's to nice weather this weekend! If the forecasts remain as they are, it's looking like it's going to be a great weather to go up for a flight. Hopefully we'll see you out there!


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